Creative Excellence of Clare Clarkson

I am excited to share the recent updates we've made to Clare Clarkson's website, showcasing her incredible work as a production designer, set designer, and art director. With years of experience in the industry, Clare has worked on numerous high-profile commercials and films, bringing a unique blend of creativity and precision to every project.

Clare's ability to create visually stunning environments that enhance storytelling is truly remarkable. From designing sets to overseeing their construction, her meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of the production aligns with the director's vision. Some of her notable works include collaborations with renowned directors on projects like Women's Aid's "World's Strongest Women," Heathrow Christmas, and IONOS.

High-quality visuals are essential in highlighting such exceptional talent, and our recent updates aim to do just that. Visit Clare Clarkson’s updated website to explore her portfolio and learn more about her contributions to the world of production design.

Discover more about Clare Clarkson and her outstanding work at Clare Clarkson.

Many years ago I read a book by Carl Jung. It was certainly amongst the most important books that I ever read. In this book, as i remember, was a chapter on the meaning of art. There was a page with a black and white plate covering half of it, it was a picture of a harvested cornfield, flat featureless land with some crows, small and black in the distance.
The reader was invited to give an opinion on the picture. 'Bleak but unremarkable' I think was my verdict. Jung then said 'Now look at the picture again , In the knowledge that this was the last picture painted by Van Gough before he shot himself.
The experience was revelatory and though it happened forty years ago something in me must have avowed that if I ever came across such a message in a picture again I would do my best to recognise it. Such a phenomenon occurred for me for the first time since that day when Tim began posting the first his sequence of seascapes. I saw Death. I imagined 'This was the last picture the photographer took before walking into the sea' written at the bottom.
It was the darkest days of midwinter, peak morbidity and hospitalisation in the Delta Covid wave. Whatever was going on in Tim's personal universe at that time it chimed perfectly with the mood of the town, the country, maybe even of all humanity. It did not take too much imagination in those not so far off days days to feel that for the first time in many generations, once again The Reaper stalked our land.
I have lived by the sea nearly all my life, even spent some years living upon it. It is as familiar to me as my own face I have seen it go from sheet of glass to Hurricane and back again. I know it. I live by Tim I have the same view of that horizon every day as he does and yet these photographs, these pictures of that so familiar thing stopped me in my tracks, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and commanded, Like Jung did all those years ago 'Now Look again'
– Richard Fryer
Hi Graeme,
Many thanks for providing the photography for our client Potters Eggs. Potters are a national company who demand a level of quality where their brand is concerned and you understood the photography brief and delivered to expectation. They were thrilled with the end result and you captured their integrity as a company which we are truly grateful for. We look forward to working alongside you on other projects. From all the team at bluestone 98
– Jonathan Robson, Sales Director Bluestone Design
This is a fabulous, big, ground floor, accessible photographic studio, so it's easy to shoot people (not literally), furniture and scenery. Tim Nathan and I worked with Tessa from Omega Studios to present her mid-century items – close-ups of jewellery, models wearing jewellery and scarves, and set-ups using tables, chairs and vases. All Tim's photographs were excellent. It was a pleasure to work with him and use the images for print and digital publicity purposes.
– Erica Smith



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